Native American

These days, I spend most of my summers in the region of our country called the Four Corners – the place where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah coincide.
It is also a place where one can meet the ancient inhabitants of this land – Navajos, Hopis, Zunis and other Native Americans of the Southwest.
My friends from these nations led me to find local artists and acquainted me with the places they transport their handmade Native American jewelry.
Their creations, made using imported and domestic stones, shells, along with plain silver jewelry, are recognized and appreciated by consumers all over the world.
Unfortunately, there are those people who take advantage of these artists and their inexperienced customers, selling not genuine products of impressive workmanship, but cheap imitations for inflated prices.
In my trading with the American Indians, I make it possible for everyone to benefit, from the jewelry's visionary to its ultimate purchaser.
I distribute authentic and beautiful Native American jewelry.